Sunday, July 29, 2007

June 2007 is Gone!!!!

Someone help me find June. As you can tell simply from my blog entries that June was rather busy. Or maybe I fell asleep at Memorial day and and woke up on my birthday (30 June). You like the way I plugged my birthday? As to my age, I am beyond the point where I freely share...

July has gone by just as fast as June, but at least it featured a nice vacation. I went to London for a week and Ireland for another week. London...been there done it. Ireland on the other hand was a first time experience and let me tell you I loved it! Guiness in Ireland is to die interesting tid bit...Guiness is actually very dark red and not black. Aside from pounding Guiness daily, Ireland was just plain neat. We flew into Dublin and spent two days roaming the streets. We then took a train to Cork and rented a car and travelled to south west part of Ireland (Bantry). Spot on gorgeous.

Back to the Guiness...the brewery has been there since 1759 and Arthur Guiness leased the land (St. James Gate) in Dublin for 9,000 can't find real estate deals like that any more (aside perhaps the purchase of Manhattan for a few beads). BTW, I put 2+2 together and realized that the Guiness Book of World Records is from...well...Guiness...kinda obvious now that you think of it...brilliant! The book started because of pub arguments about who is the fastest, etc.

It wouldn't be complete if I didn't tell you about the Irish people. It is 180 degrees in terms of friendliness (for the better) from the England. Everyone was extremely friendly and willing to talk about anything -- if I could only understand them. I had to remind myself that we indeed were speaking the sample language. The pubs were a lot of fun and everyone (except me of course) started singing Irish songs around 9:30 PM every night.

Dingle penninsula, Ring of Kerry (not the democrat), Bantry Bay, Skibbereen, Bandon, Dunmanway, and Kinsale are some of the towns, shires, and cities I visited.

Time for a Guiness...