Friday, January 30, 2009

The War on Business and Capitalism

Politicians often bring focus on the issue of the day by conducting wars. Consider these:
  • Lyndon B Johnson's "war on poverty"
  • Richard Nixon coined the term "war on drugs"
  • George W Bush's "war on terrorism"
So it is appropriate for Barrack Obama to have his on war; the "War on Business and Capitalism". But unlike my earlier examples, this war won't be declared nor will "soldiers" be mobilized in a open and public is being conducted in stealth...but with the tacit support of the American public.

Rest assured, this war is being waged.

Look at where we are...
  • Wall Street is taking ALL of the blame for this recent financial and economic crisis
  • CEO pay is considered a public debate
  • The union sponsored "card check" law is gaining steam
  • The Paycheck Fairness Bill has passed through the House
  • Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act has passed through the House
  • Free trade with South America is dead on arrival in Congress

The list really goes on...

{Sign} Folks, this is completely unhealthy. We are letting the political class and the media lap dogs paint Business and Capitalism as Evil incarnate. It will truly be our down fall when the American economic engine slows to sub 1% growth as a result of their war. That is exactly what will happen because...

  • the innovators amongst us will not innovate when they are stifled under multiple tiers of regulations and laws (California?)
  • businesses are taxed to the point where it makes more sense to do business in another country (All industries? I give Exxon 10 years to remain a US Corporation)
  • overbearing legal costs for businesses spread into our purchased goods and services to the point where we are uncompetitive (Healthcare?)
  • unions will force businesses into a cost strata that is not sustainable (GM?)

We live in interesting times. Pay attention -- you are witnessing an unprecedented opportunity to understand the true differences between conservatism and liberalism.

Friday, January 23, 2009

We are so screwed...

Ok, I have come out of my depressive, comative state after the elections and thought I'd brave another political blog entry. Just a short one as I still have a pain in my back side...the wallet itching to get out and send my cash and credit cards to President Obama.

In case you are wondering, the "We" in the title is not referring to Republicans or Conservatives. I am referring to tax paying citizens of the future United Socialist States of America.

Why do I say that?

Today, approximately 32% of the American population do not pay any income tax. Take a look at this historical graph:

Source: Internal Revenue Service, Tax Foundation

If President Obama and the new Congress have their way (and they will...who will stop them...everyone wants him to be successful...right?), this number will reach approximately 57%. The key is point is that the number will be over 50% -- a majority.

Human nature: once people who get free things are a majority, they will always vote to keep getting the free things. The tax paying population will have no ability to change once the majority is lost.

At one time in our history, only landowners were allowed to vote. It seems harsh and unfair today, but there is a fundamental wisdom in the policy. The founding fathers believed you have to have "skin in the game" to change policy, law, etc. So we no longer require land ownership and soon we won't even have to pay taxes to control the country...scary thought for me... new goal is to stop being productive so I too won't have to pay taxes and keep voting for more free stuff...human nature, right?

We are so screwed...