I have a strange thought...let me see if any of you face this...
I sometimes don't think I am as wise and sage as my dad seemed at the same age that I am today? It also seems my dad had much weighty responsibilities and a heavier family burden at the same age!
I remember looking up to my dad when I was say 14 years old and the image I have of him at the time does not match my self-image today. Do you understand? At the time my father was running a business and providing a living for our immediate family as well as cousins, uncles, and aunts that happen to be immigrating to the US from India. He seemed to work hard and things seemed to come much harder to him.
I on the other hand don't feel as mature has he seemed. Mature may be too strong of a word but the right one escapes me at the moment. I wonder how my kids view me?
I may be unique and the only one with this thought and vision, however one thing seems to be certain...today's generation has it much easier on the average then the prior generation. I'm sure the same can be said about two generations ago. You all have heard the stories about our parents and grand parents walking bare foot in the snow going to school up hill both ways...
Let me use this opportunity to shift to a related topic that comes to mind...
I know there are people in all stratas of life, but in general we have to admit we live a comparably easy life. Even a good percentage of the poor in the US have TVs, VCRs, and two cars. We on the average have time for so many social activities. I had social and sports activities my parents never had and my kids today have activities that I could not have dreamed about when I was growing up.
We have so much spare time that we...
- have TV's in every room
- have video IPOD's when a TV is not available
- know the difference between 12 and 18 year old Scotch
- write Blogs
- view the 20th page on a Google search (ok, I have never done that but you know who you are!)
- watch 3 hour movies (could they not have cut some of Tom Hank's Castaway?)
- read up to seven LONG Harry Potter novels
Yet, we all tend to complain about being too busy! We all seem to want more time to get that one other activity in or to sleep that extra hour. I think it is time for all of us to figure out better ways how to USE that spare time. Clearly we have the time somewhere...don't we...let me run 24 is on...