Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New Environmental Stresses...

I don't know about you but I'm getting real tired of something new to worry about every few years from environmentalist. The recent list of bans introduced by environmentalists include chlorofluorocarbons (aerosol-spray propellants, Freon, etc.), tuna (save the dolphins), DDT (save the birds), lights on beaches (protect sea turtles), and on and on and on....

Brace yourself because they are coming after the traditional incandescent light bulbs now. These wonderful staples of the 20th century are now marked as public enemy number one and will be banned from our homes in a few years if the current craze continues. What will replace our traditional light bulbs? Fluorescent lights designed to fit into normal light bulb sockets.

I continue to be baffled at the continual focus on government to solve problems. So we need laws and regulations to switch light bulbs? When will people learn that free enterprise works! If there is a market there will be a natural progression to the economical or more capable product. Take the light blub for example. We are going to be forced to switch from a $0.25 bulb to one that costs $4 for a bulb that provides poorer quality light. Hmmmm. And it will take over 2 years to realize the cost savings of the lesser power this bulb will consume.....hmmmm. Oh, did I tell you the new bulb contains mercury and will take a biohazard team from DHS to clean up broken bulbs....hmmmm. Think people!

Sometimes I wished I owned a Hummer or Humvee...

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