Friday, September 12, 2008

Citizen government?

Ok, try to forget any political bias while you read this and I will try to do the same as I write.

The reaction to the Sarah Palin selection for Vice President has been interesting to watch. Again, stay out of the political argument and sit back and re-assess what we have heard and seen over the last few weeks.

Here is what I see...

The established political class reacting to a new comer. Our government was supposed to be based on the idea of service. Meaning, citizen's taking a break from their normal lives and serving in government temporarily. When the service was concluded, they are supposed to return to their normal lives and let another take his/her place (ok it was "his" for the longest time). We are so far from this vision...we now have mainly established, career politicians who view their main job as getting re-elected. Actually, I may take up a mini research project to find out how many of the 535 nimrods on the Hill are career politicians versus serving citizens.

So back to Palin...

It is simple, the establishment is threatened. If Palin is successful in becoming VP, then a non-elite, rube, ordinary, gun toting, motorcycle riding, beauty queen will be second in command. How can that happen when so many ivy league educated people are "smarter" then her? It is that very arrogance that has led to her popularity and the establishment still doesn't get it.

She is a regular joe citizen intending to serve...


Anonymous said...

ahhh!! i so agree!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! Service should never be for power- political or other. If our motives are for selfish personal advancement, than is it service? only service to ourselves...
The fact that the media are now so involved with politics has likely helped along the idea that a priveledged, ivy-leaguer need be in charge... the role of the media is not likely to lessen any time soon, but it will be interesting to keep an eye on the pattern in the next few elections to see if the slant continues to be for the ivy-leaguers, or if more "average joe" type candidates will be candidates.

Kinda sad that the news even plays a part in who is chosen to run for office, let alone all the irrelevant stuff that comes into the "political" realm about their pasts and personal lives. Who are they looking for? Jesus? Because he isn't coming back for a while.