Thursday, February 19, 2009

Do you feel united?

Hmmm. I can't help but notice that the man that was partially (or was it largely?) elected to unify us is dividing us even more then ever. What was it that the media was saying? It was something like "his grand narrative will unite this country..."

- rich versus poor
- responsible homeowner versus non-responsible homeowners
- CEO's verus everyone else
- tax payers verus tax cheats
- Smart Car driver versus Hummer driver

Can anyone say change?

And now Eric Holder says this country is full of cowards for not addressing't we just elect the first black president...the race industry continues...

There is a growing unrest amongst the silent majority and perhaps even over the great unwashed...stay Drudge says...developing... Obama says about the economy...this is going to get worse before it gets better...

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