Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is the world loving us now?

Hmmm....we were told that the world hated the US and it was all because of President Bush. Could it be that it wasn't about Bush? Because all this couldn't be about Obama:
  • UK, a long time friend, is insulted
  • China is sending ships within 25 feet of our ships
  • North Korea is threatening war
  • India has told the administration to go pound sand over India-Pakistan talks
  • Israel is wondering if we'll stand by them
  • Russia is snickering at the incorrect Russian translation on the "reset" button
  • Russia is walking all over the administration regarding Iran and anti-missile
  • Swiss are burning American products in grocery stores due to the UBS banking issues

That's ok....Iran ("I'm-A-Dinner-Jacket"), Venezuela (Hugo Chavez), Hamas, Taliban, and Al-Queda love us now...I feel so much better now and have an overwhelming urge to sing "We are the World"

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