"Your culture shall adapt to service ours. Resistance is futile...... Your defensive capabilities are unable to withstand us. Your life, as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us. You must comply"
That sums up the ascendency of Barack Obama as the US president. The American experiment is over. So, in addition to the oceans finally lowering and Earth finally beginning to heal we have started the process of lowering the greatness of this country to the mediocrity of most of Western Europe. Socialism, taxes, and the population of the "give me" generation has and will have increased sufficiently to dilute conservative thought and direction.
Too over the top you say? What evidence do you have that we have not shifted to the left and started the path towards the largest and strongest central government? How do you know? One thing is certain, Obama is a mystery to all...even his supporters. Another thing is certain, change is here...
...the impact of which will be felt negatively in about a decade or so...stay tuned...
the impact of which will be felt positively in about a decade or so...stay tuned...
Yes, we'll see in about 20 years. But I'm not sure why you think it will be positively felt. Look at countries where there are high taxes, large controlling central governments, nationalized or single payer healthcare. Forget politics, really look at where they are. You will strain to find an example we would want to strive for. It may feel good thinking you are doing good.
A private sector example for you....General Motors. On the brink of ruin over promises regarding health and pension. It is unreal how much it costs them per car over those two services. They simply can't compete. But, no worries let them close or move overseas. We don't need those jobs...
I think my favorite thing is how many conservatives are freaking out and saying they are going to move to CANADA. how ironic.
and highly unnecessary.
This is neither a disaster worthy of insipid "I'm moving" threats nor a giant political ray of sunshine and lollipops. Calm down everyone.
Now, let's all see if a brother can keep his promises.
> I think my favorite thing is how many conservatives are freaking out and saying they are going to move to CANADA. how ironic.
Don't be too hasty, we may want some people to go ahead an move...grin.
There are always people on the fringes that make these emotion-based statements. I remember after Bush was elected and re-elected, there were many on the left that said the same thing. Funny that people never do leave...still the greatest country to live in?
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