Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I have the solution!

I wish I had thought about this during the election season!

Like many conservatives, I have been baffled with the popularity of Barack Obama and liberal thought in general. I still believe most people in this country live their lives in a conversative manner. But many still vote liberal. Go figure. So I seek to understand.

During the election season, I had many conversations with non-conservatives, that is, liberals. In all the back and forth about which candidate is better then the other, one thing that I heard consistently goes something like this: "oh we are doing fine financially, but you know, a mother-in-law of a friend of a cousin in Tennessee just lost her job".


This guilt is prevalent at all times whether the economy is doing well or not. It defies logic and ignores facts. It leads to underlying emotional-based thoughts and retorts such as:

  • "aren't you concerned about the greater good?"
  • "the poor are getting poorer"
  • "the gap between the poor and rich is getting larger"
  • "we must be more human"
  • "we must do something about the poor...there are just so many of them"

All this combined with the media created myth that Republicans are cold, heartless brutes that will take away school lunches leads to voter support for "feel good" liberal Democrats.

So what is the solution?

Modify the IRS Form 1040. This may sound like Charlie Brown's parents to you non-tax paying readers (about 40% of the population). IRS Form 1040 is what we the remaining 60% use to determine how much we owe in taxes each year. Line 76 of the Form 1040 is:


You are itching to know my solution, huh?

Well, I propose that we add line 76a to Form 1040. This line shall be called:


There will be enough space to write an amount as large as a taxpaper would like to contribute to the federal government. It will allow anyone to contribute additional money to the federal government. If we can get more communities organized, we can make this change at the state level as well (anyone know a number for ACORN?).

Just think, liberals will be able to wash away the guilt and feel good about the money they are providing to solve world peace and be more human. It would leave the rest of us alone and we'll all be able to get along...California post riot lingo...

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