Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 1 - All aboard!

Day 1 is starting with a bit of an issue due to my failing judgement in recent years. I decided to go to Krav Maga last night and managed to tweak my back! I could very easily lie (afterall how can you verify it?) and say that the slight injury happened while learning a very cool move in open hand self defense when the assailant has a gun but alas I would not be able to live with myself. My back tweaked during the warm up...:(...but it was a cool warm up...

So, after many Advils and constant ice on my lower back I think I am sort of, kinda functional. Luckily today only involves about 30 miles of bike riding to the train station. Lunch at Glory Days Lorton and train loading at 2 PM! I can almost hear the train whistle even now...I love trains...

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