Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dinner with Haitian Olympian in Judo

The interesting people you meet on a train...

- Had dinner with an Olympian that represented Haiti in Judo. Vic has been all over the world including Japan where he worked out in sheer cold. The idea was to keep sparring otherwise you freeze. His mother lost her life long dream of a home during the earthquake. Now they live in Brooklyn.

- Met a Chinese looking girl that was born in Russia and clearly should not be drinking as much as she had.

- Ashley from Florida who has never seen snow even though she just spent a month a New Jersey. Clearly we are talking about the weather variety of snow.

- a dumb blonde old woman who still is dumb and spared us her company during dinner. We spent it with Vic instead. A true blessing as we overheard her yap during the entire dinner.

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